Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Back in the Day

I found a bunch of pictures from forever ago and thought it would be fun to post a few...

We thought we were gangsta... we are really just losers haha

If you are squeamish then stop reading this caption.
I used to go to the Navajo reservation every summer,
and this year our "family" got us a goat to slaughter (and eat).
This is the stomach lining.

My old roommie and I, on a hike in Seattle.

This is from a couple weeks ago. But these two were fighting
and had no idea they were right on top of each other. hahahaha

Skweaks took a nap on my belly. hahaha
There ya have it. Old and new. If you don't like the random pics of my cats, well, sorry! haha

1 comment:

  1. Wow great photos and the stomach lining was an awesome shot. :)



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