Today is a very important day. Matt starts his Fire Academy full time. We have been prepping for this and praying about it for a very long time, so it is hard to believe that it is here. I got up early (5:35!!)and surprised him by being awake and taking pictures and helping see him off. That sentence doesn't really flow, but I just don't care. Today is a fabulous day for us, and nothing can squash my joy! My life as a full fledged Academy wife has begun and I will be cooking a lot, cleaning often, and putting some of my things on the back burner.

We have been organizing our home so that everything will run smoothly in the mornings. That bin is full of everything that he will need in the day, so he can easily get it into his car, and into the car of the guy he carpools with (who also has a bin, so they can easily choose which car). Tonight I get to hear all about his first full day of class and what we can expect for the next 12 weeks. I also get to clean out his cooler and prep it for tomorrow.
I wore red for solidarity. hehe. I can think of so many epic things to say, like "this is the first day of the rest of our life" and "this new adventure is the journey of a lifetime." However, I will leave it at this. God is good and he has provided abundantly. We're trusting him with everything right now, and know that He will continue to provide (and I just may have to skip coffee dates for awhile). I am so very proud of my man.