Friday, March 22, 2013

Finishing Things Up.

I've finished a few things recently, and it's high time I shared them. Sharing these finished project posts is like the final check on my list for each pattern. If you're new here, I started this in 2010 by posting a pattern a day, with the goal to finish all 365 projects by the end of 2014. I still have a ways to go, but I'm happy with my progress. A few patterns have disappeared after I posted them, so I'll change them up (that's the case with the Newsie Hat). Anywho.

First up is this adorable Newsie Cap [Jan 16]. My friend requested it for her son and I just could not say no! I took a few pictures of my own, but the one of him wearing it is just too precious.

Next is a doily that I actually finished back in October. I just forgot to take pictures before I gave it to my mom and then I kept putting off updating the post. Now the Cluster Stitch Doily [Sept 21] is fully complete, posted and all! Also, I hate cluster stitches. Aptly named, this pattern is fully of them. Boy was I glad to be done with this!

Lastly are these two adorable baskets. I made them in one or two days (I only crochet for an hour or two a day). They are chunky yarn, and two strands together, so they worked up FAST. I used this pattern and this one too! Oh, and most importable, my friend loved them. She found them on pinterest and just had to commission me to make them! :)

What have you finished lately?

[Note: the links will take you to my original post and the pattern links]

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Bits & Pieces

This post has 2 reasons for being written.
  1. Google Reader will be gone as of July something. It's sad. I know. I'm switching to Blog Lovin though, and you know that means I need to claim my blog. Right?
  2. I started my new blog. It is FireWifey. It is fun. It is now where you will find my Instagram pics. [[Thank you to the two friends who reminded me to add a link and Blog Lovin link. You two are too smart, ya know!! Referral link: Follow my blog with Bloglovin ]]
I am keeping this blog for crochet specific things. I do have a few posts up my sleeve for this little place (patterns and updates to my finished projects), I just need to find the time to sit down and write. Thanks for your patience!
But I couldn't leave you with random "techincal info" and no cute pics of the pup, right? These are from the end of January... 

Some crochet goodness (can you tell what the pup got to?)...

And lastly, a pic from our anniversary getaway last week...
Happy Thursday! (It is my first day at work this week, so my days are completly off. I almost said
Happy Monday!)