
Monday, January 31, 2011

Giveaway - Closed

This giveaway is now closed.  Thank you to all who entered!


I am so excited to have over 100 of you following my blog.  I wanted to share some love with you all, so I am having a little giveaway!  I have been working very hard in my craft room.  But I am trying to decide.... do I try and organize it or work like a busy little beaver to get Valentine's Day things listed in my shop?  You can see the mess below...

I decided to do both.  I cleaned up a bunch of stuff (forgot to get a cleaner picture) and got myself three baskets for my etsy stuff... "to cut," "to sew," and "to package / list."  Even though I still have more stuff to clean, I feel accomplished and better organized.  The cats helped -- by amusing me.  Squeaks (the black one) was eating the fake flowers yesterday.  Ugh!

Okay, so what you are all really interested in... the giveaway!!!  Remember the coffee cozy from last week?  That cute brown coffee cup one is going to be a part of the fun package.  I am sorry to say, you will not be receiving my used coffee cup though (I need it for future photo shoots)!

You will also win a few things of yarn, a fake flower, and a super cute pincushion made by my mother in law.  She gave me a few, letting me know that I could give away one or two.  So, lucky you, you get a chance at one.  These are great pincushions (mine is on my work desk) and they look super cute too!  How to win?

Ready for the rules?? 
  • Leave a comment just to say hello, if you knit or crochet or sew, or what initially brought you over to Crochet Every Day.
  • Check out my etsy shop and tell me what you like or think could be improved upon.
  • For an extra 10 entries, order something from my etsy shop!
This giveaway will be open until Monday, February 7th, 2011 at noon (PST), or whenever I close the comments after that!  After I announce the winner, they will have 3 days to get back to me, or I can choose another winner!  Good luck!

Hot Stuff Pot Holders

I set aside my crochet hook for a few hours this weekend, so I could whip up some cute pot holders.  I used all of the pins in my cupcake pincushion to hold the material together.  But guess what, it kept it nice and neat and there were no puckers!  Yay!

I love these so much, I think I am going to keep a set for my kitchen! 

If you want your own pair of Hot Stuff Hot Pads, you better hurry -- supply is limited!  Oh yeah, backstory on the verse.  So Proverbs 16:20 says "Whoever gives heed to instruction prospers, and blessed is he who trusts in the Lord."  I thought the whole part about giving heed to instruction sounded like "make sure you follow your recipe." So I put it.  Now I am not so sure, but I still think it is a good verse!

Oh yeah, and stay tuned for a giveaway later today :)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Completed - Bracelet & Pointsettia

I finished a few projects, so now it is time to show them off!  First up...

December 18: Poinsettia

That was a quick crochet on Christmas, with my new yarn!  Next up, probably a birthday gift for my Sista...

September 2: Spokes Cuff Bracelet

This one was a lot of fun and not as hard as I imagined.  I think it is a bit too big for me, but will be perfect for my sister.  I love the buttons though!  And yes, I had fun editing the photos and posing at my desk...

I also finished the Christmas Pudding ornament from November 28, but now I cannot find it.. or pictures of it!  So I must search around the craft room for awhile! 

Have a fantastic day!  I'm busy scouring Ravelry and Etsy for some inspiration... so be sure I will be back soon!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Iron Craft: Get Cozy

I kept seeing Missie post about her Iron Craft challenges, and they just looked so fun.  This week's challenge was to make a coffee cozy.  Lucky for me, I had already made one!  I wanted to make a few more to sell on etsy, but the pattern just was not right.  I feel bad for joining the Iron Craft challenge a few weeks late, but better late than never, right?  I finished up these 2 cozies during the week of the challenge.

Below you can see the 2 next to each other.  You can see how much smaller the pink one is -- that was my first attempt!

I am in love with the pink / green hearts one.  The other one... well it just may be showing up when I do my giveaway later!  I had to do some last minute changes, after I tried it on the mug.  You can see my "fails" below!

This one was just tossed.  No recovering from it.  It would have been super cute,but part of it did not attach and I chopped off the end.  Then it was just too small.  :(

And this one -- well it is the "before" of the cute light blue & brown coffee cozy.  The button was sewed on too far to the right.  I was able to cut it off and resew it, though I was worried I would not be able to, because I sewed the button on before sewing the 2 pieces together.  Sigh.

All in all, it was fun to participate in this iron craft.  I would love to keep going - with more crocheted items!

Blankets, Coasters, & More!

I am in the middle of a few projects and wanted to share my progress with you!  I am making a girl baby blanket.  The precious baby, Alina, was actually born last week.  But it will be a bigger blanket, so she can get it late!  I have all of the purple (12) and white (4) squares done and 1 1/2 more pink to go.  Then it's just a matter of joining them together.  I have been weaving my ends as I go and it is making ALL THE DIFFERENCE! hahaha  I amusing the pattern from Dec 24 of last year! 

My love got me a Joanns gift card for Christmas, so of course I bought fabric -- I got some yarn too! haha  I have been wanting this Debbie Mum fabric for SOOO LONG!  It was on sale too.  Score!

What else is going on in my craft room?  Just some Valentines-ey love!  These squares are ready to become coasters for my etsy shop.  I am actually finishing cutting and just need to start sewing!  I am going to make some sweet potholders too!

ps. DIdy ou notice I hit 105 followers?  Crazy!  There will be a giveaway soon!
pps. I now have no idea how to title my posts!  The patterns names + date were just so easy!
pps. Sorry I get busy and forget to blog.  I do love you all very much!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Lattes & Chocolate

So I am free to post whatever I want, whenever I want.  So crazy!  haha  I am thinking of merging this blog with my other one, to create or something.  Thoughts?  Anywho, I wanted to share a fun pattern that I found to purchase online...

Mini Chocolate and Latte Cups!

Reminds me of my crochet and coffee dates with my good friend Mel.  Last week, she was making a gorgeous sweater and I was working on a baby blanket for a friend.  So excited!

Friday, January 7, 2011

A hat, a bag, and a blanket!

I am excited to show off some of my Christmas gifts to you all.  I know most people showed off their goods on December 25, but I have never been on time! hahahaha  So first, a bag for my mom.  The fabric is all about San Francisco, which is the big city by our house.  I LOVE how it turned out!  I packaged some fun goodies in it for her.

Also, I was inspired by the Green Bag challenge on Sew Mama Sew.  I know I missed the deadline and all for the prizes, but I still wanted to share what I did.  I got a few bags from Old Navy last year, after Christmas (for super cheap) for gifts for my sisters.  And the tiny bag was on sale at Hancock... it was the perfect size for coasters!!

Next, I finished the crochet squares afghan for my mother in law.  I LOVE how it turned out.  What do you think?

I also made a phannie hat for my sister in law.  It is not my style, but I am hoping she liked it!

I think the yarn was too stiff.  It isn't soft and lush like I wanted.  I think I am going to have to remake it for her!  My cousin also wants one in white... remember my post from yesterday??

How did all of your Christmas gifts turned out?  I made more, but haven't taken pictures of them all!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Life, Unexpected Inspiration

Hey everyone!

I'm not gone, just busy with work.  It is so weird not having a post for every day.  So very weird.  Gives me more time to catch up on my google reader though! 

I also wanted to let you know I shared some of my crochet excitement over on my other blog, today.  I have been LOVING the hats that Luxe wears on Life, Unexpected... even though I don't think I can pull them off!  I think my sis in law is gonna get a new hat, more like the ones on the show.  My cousin wants one in white -- so I will have to get started on that too!

Any of you know any fantastic patterns for hats like these?  I will include a few teaser pics for you :)

I love seeing Kerr Smith play a straight guy (you know, cuz he was gay on Dawson's...)!  And the guy who plays Baze is pretty cute as well.  Have any of you watched this show?  And what do you think of her jacket??  I LOVE it!  Not what I imagine a foster kid wearing, though!

But go ahead... just click on over for the rest of the cuteness!