
Monday, August 2, 2010

Miscellaneous Things

I wanted to show off a few things that I am working on, but are not technically Crochet Every Day projects.  The first is a blanket from February 8th's Heart Afghan Square.  This blanket obviously took a ton of time, but it was also one of those project that I kept putting on the backburner.  I am so incredibly happy with how it turned out.  It was given to our dear friends for their precious baby girl, Brianna Christine on the day she was born, last week.  I finished the edging about an hour after I got the text that she was born, and tossed it in the washer (because the cats decided to sleep on it.. grrr) about an hour or so before we went to see her.  They said the love the blanket and have been using it a lot.

And a close up shot (taken on my lap on the way to the hospital.  And yes, the picture above is in the hospital parking lot)

The second project, and the only reason that I did not feature this pattern here is that it is not free, is this incredibly gorgeous scrubby.  One of my lovely readers, Laurie (althought you can probably recognize her better as Big Girl Jewelry) designed a few scrubby patterns for sale and sent me two to try out.  I absolutely love this first one.  Seriously.  And no, she is not paying me to say that.  I did have a little confusion with the beginning / ends of rows, but I am going to chalk that up to my poor couting skills.

I also have to thank Laurie for teaching me a new stitch, the bobble stitch.  That is what makes the bumps in this pattern.  I feel so accomplished having learned a new stitch!

What do you all think?  Do you like the placement of the hearts colors on the blanket.  It was originally just gonna be all willy nilly, but then I decided to go for a pink outside then purple, with mismatched colors in the center.  And the scrubby?  If you have a second, go check out Laurie's etsy shop for the Chubby Nubby Scrubby pattern, as well as two other patterns (I am in the middle of trying out the tiny bubbles pattern right now, and I like that one as well).  And I want to know what you all are currently working on as well.  Post a link to a blog post, or just tell us all about it in the comments!


  1. Look at you! Miss Fancy Pants Crochet Girl with your new bobble stitch. I love it!

  2. You did me proud with your scrubby and the heart afghan is beautiful. I love getting to see your finished projects.

  3. What a sweet blanket. I'm going to have to add that to my list. My best friend is expecting a little girl in October. :)

  4. I just love this blanket. I might have to start one. And save it for when my husband and I decide to have kids. It will probably take me that long to make. :)

  5. The blanket is great! The perfect gift for a newborn baby :-)

  6. Thanks Lies, and you are right, it is a great gift for a newborn!


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