
Sunday, May 16, 2010

La Push Crochet Along: Week 2

I am a bit late in posting, but I have my first update for the La Push Blanket Crochet Along. I have crocheted 3 squares so far. I am seriously considering the full size blanket though, so I am going right back to my crochet hook tonight! And you cannot tell, but the squares are green and white. Sorry for the crappy cell phone picture!

The extra challenge for this week was to say if we use anything to count our crocheting. Usually I use a paperclip or whatever I can find lying around. Sometimes a piece of yarn, sometimes a safety pin. I haven't needed to count for this project though.

Read the original post for Week 2 at Missie's blog.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, these look great! And you already have three finished. You are way ahead of me. :)

    I can't wait to see your full size blanket. I bet it will look just like the one in the movie!


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