
Monday, February 1, 2010

Feb 1: Sardines Cat Toy - COMPLETED

Pattern #32: Sardines Cat Toy

Can you believe we made it to February? Wow, I am already one month in. I'm giving myself a little pat on the back right now! It takes 40 days to make a habit, so I have heard, and I am currently at 32! Woo hoo! Anywho, I found this cat toy on Lion Brand's site and thought it was too cute. I will probably stuff it with some catnip for our little boys... only 3 more months and H2 & Oreo (or Halvsies & Michael, as my wonderful hubby calls them) can have catnip!


Updated 3/31/2011:  I made these little sardines for the Iron Craft Challenge.  Very happy with how they turned out.  I modified the original pattern a bit.  I turned after each row on the tin sides, and then crocheted the lid straight onto the tin, rather then crocheting and then sewing on.  A little harder to figure out, but I think it made it that much easier in the end (and way less ends to weave in)!  Oh yeah, and the cats go by Halvsies and Skweaks now.. we have since figured out that they are a boy and girl... not two boys!

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