
Monday, January 11, 2010

Jan 11: Olivia's Butterfly (Hat Week) - COMPLETED

Pattern #11: Olivia's Butterfly

I found this pattern from another blogger. I love it when bloggers make their own patterns. She made this for her daughter, and it is gorgeous! She has many other beautiful patterns too. Check her out. She's my new friend on Ravelry too.

I made this one on December 26, 2009. I used a 4 yarn, and I believe she called for a 3. I also added about 3 or 4 extra round 6s. My goal was to make one with her exact pattern, which is how we ended up with the second round of butterfly beanies. But this one is mine, and I kept it, and I love it!

I made 3 more butterfly beanies in February. I sent 2 of them down to the Ranch and sold one to a coworker. I followed the directions for the first, but it made the beanie a little short. So for the ranch girls (they are older, the coworkers daughter is only 2) I added a few rows before making the butterfly. The other beanies (somehow I forgot to take pictures of one of them):


  1. your hair looks super cute there! haha maybe it's because of the awesome hat?

  2. thats really nice too, impressed again

  3. Very cute! I tried to make this one but it turned out way too small. I will try again and add more rounds. Great work!


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